12 December 2009

The Leveler.

I am a tombstone in the mud
a nameless memory
carved into the ever fading background of your thoughts
a faceless reminder
that what once was, will never be again.

this is what they told me was the leveler
that this, the end
this death was my freedom
this earth my solitude, my rest, my peace
that in the darkness I will find comfort.
Comfort? Amongst worms?

I'm pushing up daisies
a sign of beauty
slowly growing into a field to lay your head
a hope for the restless
that what was dreamed, will be seen again

this is what I say is the leveler
the great equalizer
this love is my freedom
this life my joy, my rest, my peace
that in Your light I will find comfort.
Comfort! Amongst angels.

22 May 2009

Hook. Line. Sinker.

"I dream of a church, which does not need huge amounts of money, or rhetoric, control and manipulation, which can do without powerful and charismatic heroes, which is non-religious at heart, which can thrill people to the core, make them lose their tongues out of sheer joy and astonishment, and simply teach us The Way to live." -- Wolfgang Simson

Church. The term is a common frustration amongst many Christians today. The unhappiness of the state of its presence, meaning, and general effect on the culture of America is growing rapidly. Unfortunately it seems the unwillingness to seek or be a form or force of change encapsulates the hearts of many more, a resilience marked by complacency, traditionalism, and individualistic spiritual pursuits.

As I have continued to see this frustration grow in me, I cannot help but continually asking "Why?" Why do I feel this way about the entity that should be the power of Christ on earth? Why do I read the Bible, look at churches around me and wonder why they do not seem to match up?

Jesus Christ said "follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."

In today's culture, we have redefined and repositioned ourselves as the Body in this role. Let me explain. Have you ever seen the show The Deadliest Catch? These guys literally risk their lives in order to obtain the highest amount of crustacean they can...all for a substantial grand prize for the boat with the largest payload. The mental and physical fortitude of these individuals is remarkable, but when they are focused and effective on each task they have, the overall work of the team is amazing.

Yup, you saw this analogy coming. The boat, the captain, the crew, the pods; not the most original, I know. Now, think about how this relates to a local church. The many different boats in one portion of the sea, all with one purpose. But think how true to Americanized Christianity this analogy really is. We want our 'church' to win, don't we? To have the biggest payload at the end of the season? We have developed methods, built bigger buildings with top-notch technology, and in some cases de-personalized our faith in order to be more attractive to the many fish swimming nearby to snag them on to our boat.

Let's switch gears for a moment and re-angulate this analogy. Could you imagine if instead of going out to either (1) drop the pods or (2) check back on them, the crew decided to focus solely on up-fitting the boat? Now, this is not to say that things do not need maintenance, replacement, etc. The point I am driving at is that now, the crew actually ceases to be fishermen, forgetting the purpose for which they were sent out. Most churches seem to rather spend time building a machine than building relationships, investing in those around, scanning the sea to see where uncaught fish are lurking. Some boats don't even leave the dock.

So what do these two takes on a simple analogy point towards? Necessity and simplification. I think we are at a time where we need to be learning how to embrace what our first brothers and sisters in Christ did in the current status of our society; communities breathing life together. It is time to stop creating church buildings and church services so people can feel at home there, and start developing homes where the Church can build and serve the people there. Maybe I'm just too jaded, too organic, or too idealistic in my thoughts, but there is something uncomfortably close to what began as followers transformed by a love like none other to transcend the trends of the day to experience redemption of communities and cultures in these margins. This is the Church I love.

"Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all people." Acts 2:43-47

Keep seeking.

04 March 2009


Drowning in the sea of drought
I can't breathe, lost heart,
and can't find my way

Shipwrecked in the desert,
my hope and joy went
out with the tide

...take Mine.
...take Mine.

When these mindless lips
can't form the words to
calm this storm

...take Mine.
...take Mine.

Rest finds
no harmony in the stars tonight.

Certainly, certainty
went down with this ship.

...take Mine.
...take Mine.

11 February 2009


The following is a small portion of ideas gathered from a recent investigation of faith and the cosmos. This was initially written a bit ago, but has been slightly revamped. I posted this now, as I am beginning to dig deeper and felt any future post on my progression in this area would need a baseline.

I am still in my infancy in determining my full stance on most of what is presented here. However, I want to share with you my thoughts in hopes to inspire you to search for yourself where you stand in your own personal faith.

The Beginning :: Look to the Stars.

It is known that the larger stars burn its fuel quicker than smaller stars. If the arche of our universe were 25% larger, it would have long stopped shining a long time ago and earth would be a frozen, lifeless sphere. Larger stars (supergiants) heat up carbon that produces silicon that produces iron because of the high gravitational force the star exerts. The iron is too heavy for any energy to be produced by these fusion reactions, therefore there is no outflow of energy from the core to balance the gravitational forces at play. This creates a core that gains heat until the iron can disintegrate. At this point, the star becomes immensely brighter than our star and shoots out materials at high speeds; this is known as a supernova. The materials expelled into space are the carbon and silicon from the core, as well as gold, lead, and uranium (and more). As the elements mix with the present hydrogen gases, they form a new 'second-generation' star, in time. The star will be predominantly hydrogen but will also contain the elements from the exploded predecessor. It is known that our sun contains mainly iron and gold; therefore it must be a second-generation star. This leads to another question, what about the planets? The same general principles apply. Take Earth, since we know it...kind of. It is a small planet, with a weaker gravitational pull, therefore lighter elements escape, leaving only the heavier ones from a star's death. This is evident through our history of soil studies that traces of only the lighter elements are found. Continuing this inspection, our bodies are known to contain small amounts of some of these elements.

In essence, it can be said that there are pieces of star within all of us. We are all connected.

Compared to the rest of the planets, Earth’s moon is massive with respect to the relative size of its orbited planet. Because of this, scientists believe that Earth’s moon was not created by any of the theorized processes for the moons of the other planets. The moon stabilizes the Earth as it spins on its axis, causing a shift in tides. The gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth keeps us guarded from drastic weather pattern changes. Thanks to progress in science and math, we know that the sun is about 400 times the size of the moon. Our planet was placed roughly that same amount (now viewed as a length) from the sun, giving us the opportunity to experience the glory of a total solar eclipse.

What can be drawn from all this? What do you see when you look at the night sky? Stars, only by courtesy of a star. A star that had to die in order for us to live. Could it be the cosmos echo the story of its Creator?

The Intermediate :: From the Stars to the Heavens.

What about the progression of knowledge about our universe? Has it awakened a sense of excitement, or given us an opportunity for hubris to rear its ugly head in our supposed understanding of the inner workings of a cosmos not created by man? In older times, man used to look upon the moon and the stars with wonder, excitement, and majesty; to the point of giving them the status and deity of gods. Where are we now in our scientific smugness? We catalogue, characterize, and can no longer relate to them as our ancestors did. This great betrayal leaves us with a loss of intimacy that cannot be regained. What was once giving man solace from struggles of life has been transformed into a magnetic field of celestial symbolism that guides our souls to think of flux, instability, and the violence of the cosmos. Is this too far off from our theological journey? To loosely quote Blindside: 'we are not synchronized, we are intellectualized.' Has the pursuit of a purely intellectual, solely logical faith left man with a view of God lacking in majesty and wonder?

When we theorize that the big bang theory is feasible, where does it leave us? Survivalism. We all complain about time, specifically the lack of it. If we were put here to merely survive, we must adapt to survive in a continually crowding world. No more time to think about God, therefore it must be He who has neglected us. Right? Seems to be a popular trend, especially in our fast-paced Western society.

What about the cosmos and the Bible? The star over Bethlehem, the darkened sky at Calvary, the earthquake as Christ became the sacrifice? Why should the personal collide with the cosmic? I believe it is because Christ was fulfilling an order begun at the beginning, pointing out that he was and is the completeness and fullness of life. The superior intelligence we are so desperately seeking somewhere in the vastness of space was here on Earth among us. The God of the cosmos became Christ on Earth to show that He is a person, and that we matter more to him than all the galaxies – most of which we have yet to discover.

Why should Christ come to this particular small seemingly insignificant part of the cosmos?To answer with a question: "Can Christ come from Galilee?"

Christ revealed that though we are all equal in Him, we are more than material from a star. Not all has been shown in the pursuit to understand man by studying our surroundings: we know not the why of suffering, or the why of evils.

The Future :: Faith.

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Was our sun, our planet, our very being created from a star exploding long ago? I don't know. All I know is God said "Let there be light."

Keep seeking.

10 February 2009


Hello and welcome. My goal here is to allow some of my thoughts from journaling as well as my poetry/songs I am working on to be free. I hope that the words here inspire good discussion, encourage the soul, and provide an avenue to share life with you. This also allows me to practice one of my passions :: writing. I am excited to see where this goes and what conversations and inspirations are begun from this endeavour. 

So what is Meets The Sea? As a river makes its journey towards the final destination of a sea, it gathers sediment, life, and momentum. Upon reaching the sea, the river then empties itself, everything. To me, this directly relates to the spiritual life - seeking to lay all of who I am, both good and bad, at the feet of my Father. The river water begins to mix with the saltiness of the sea, loses the grime and is slowly changed into something completely different from what it used to be.

Here's to the changes to come.

Keep seeking. 